Friday, July 20, 2007



Another theme filled post with commentary on each.
Three strips with R.O. weilding his mighty mallet.
Okay, okay, so one of them is a baseball bat, but still...

Shades of Gallagher? You betcha. Lets just call this the sincerest form of flattery.
Haven't we all felt like this at least once in our lives, fellas? Come on, you know you have.
This is the first time this particular strip has ever been shown publicly. Originally, I drew this one for my Dad and his friends at work who worked in the body shop at the GM Doraville Plant, hence the "For the boys and girls at Doraville" tag. I really should have used a sledge hammer instead of a baseball bat. If I ever redraw this one I will make that change. For whatever reason this strip never made it into print.

Until now.

In 1992 when I drew this strip I was really using the China Markers for shading. While it looks good on the original it does not reproduce well. And what was the idea with that border? Yeesh! Oh, I added the logo since the scan did not have one.
And just for grins, here's how I would have done it today. Using the same image I cropped away the border and relettered it without the word balloon (I don't draw them well). All in all I think it works much better the new crop. What do you guys think? Any preference?

Keep on cruisin’

Bobby Nash
Bethlehem, GA

Saturday, July 14, 2007

What are the first three letters of DIET?

Been trying to lose some weight lately. Not an easy task, but I was reminded of some of R.O.'s opinions on the mere thought of dieting. Here's some wisdom from R.O. for you to injest.

This one's based on a true story. My father (the real R.O.) actually made this comment once.

Not really something I heard my Dad say, but there is truth in what he says.

This gag was originally used in a project I was working on that never materialized, which was a shame because I thought it was a good concept. Never one to let a good gag fall by the wayside, I recycled the gag into a Life In The Faster Lane strip. Recyclo-Bob strikes again. :)

Keep on cruisin'
